Monday, March 12, 2018

A Weekend in the Life

This weekend was full of the activities, jobs, and events that make up my life. They aren't usually concentrated in one span of 3 days, but they are typical of my life here.

On Friday, another sister and myself went to a local parish for an evening showing of a play about St. Maximilian Kolbe. It was a professional, one-man show about the saint of Auschwitz. The actor played the saint, another friar, and the devil, and responded to recordings of voices at times. He was very talented, portraying each character in a different way, and he carried the play nicely. I thought it was especially moving to see the life story of St. Maximilian Kolbe during Lent. It was a thought-provoking meditation on the sacrifices that we are called to make out of love.

Saturday was a full day. In the morning I went with a group of sisters to give our donations to the Stuff a Humvee organization. This group collects items for homeless veterans, and the sisters of our convent were generous to the cause. They always are, giving freely of their monthly budgets to the poor and otherwise needy. They certainly didn't disappoint this time, as we had a trunk full of bags to donate! Later on, a group of us had a small birthday party for one of the sisters, sharing a cake and sparkling conversation. She turned 75, so she's our diamond! Later on, I had a Zoom conference call with other pre-tertians, sisters who have been fully professed in community less than 15 years. We had watched a webinar on how to be a leader and were meeting to discuss it. It was good to see everyone and to share ideas. I also helped one of the friars here with his computer, read for my online writing class and the writing workshop group I'm in, and wrote for this blog-- the last installment on prayer. I usually save community-related tasks for Saturday, since I don't do my usual jobs on that day.

Sunday I joined a group of our sisters at the local soup kitchen. We go monthly to serve a hot meal to the poor in the area. There were many clients; it seemed like they just kept coming. It's always a positive way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I also started my roles as Eucharistic Minister of the Bread at Mass and presider during our common prayer for the week.

(And yes, the title was inspired by the Beatles song "A Day in the Life". If you listen closely, you can hear the deep, resonant cord at the end of it. Or at least I can!)

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