Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March News

 I've been trying to get back into the route in at school ever since February break ended. I've managed to do everything that I want to do or am supposed to do, but it all comes together at the last minute still. I'm not usually a last-minute person, so it's a little maddening for me! I'll probably get back into the rhythm of being back in school just in time for April break.

Every year, each class has a curriculum fair project that we work on. The teacher picks a topic and the class does projects and activities to explore it. Then the classes get to spend a day going from classroom to classroom seeing others' work. That evening, parents and relatives come to do the same. Last year, I chose human body systems and organs. This year, I have 9 students, so we are doing the planets. (Their teacher last year had 7 of them, so she did the continents.) They're making a model of the planet and are writing and publishing their own books about it. There is also some other writing involved. Most of the project is for homework, but we are working on the books in school.

 I will be teaching at a new school in Michigan. I'll have the fourth grade, but not all subjects. Only the language arts ones: Reading, Writing, Spelling. It's a big school, with about 600 students and three fourth grades. I'm looking forward to focusing on one subject area rather than trying to do it all. I've visited the convent where I'll be living a few times before, and I've always been struck by how friendly the sisters are and how nice a communiity they seem to have. Also, there are several younger sisters there, who I've spent time with before. I'm looking forward to that, too. Overall, I think it's a positive situation and a good move! I am being encouraged to live in different convents and be in different places before I make final vows, so this is part of that.

Right now I'm working on my summer plans. I am going to World Youth Day in Brazil, which was neat and recently got neater! With a new pope, and one from that area to boot, it should be an incredible opportunity and event. This diocese had some lovely and moving Masses in honor of the retiring and newly elected popes, and it was great to be a part of that.

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