On Monday, August 2nd, we commemorated the jubilee celebrations of three of our sisters. Two celebrated 60 years in the community and one celebrated 70. It was wonderful to gather as a community and share their joy! As a young sister, too, I'm encouraged and inspired by these occasions. The lives of our older sisters strengthens my desire to give more freely of myself to God, the community, and the world.
Here are some photos from the day:
Two of the priests who concelebrated at Mass and joined us for the festive meal.
Our jubilarians: Sisters John, Patricia, and Lawrence enjoying the celebration.
The sisters and guests prepare to enjoy the festive meal.
During the Mass
During the Mass
The jubilarians prepare for the entrance procession
The jubilarians pause to pose for a group photo.
The decorations for the day were cheerful and beautiful.
The sisters gave the jubilarians cards and presents.
During Mass
During Mass
The sisters and guests enjoyed two kinds of cakes.
Our neighbors, the Little Sisters of the Poor, joined us for the celebration
Congratulations on a wonderful celebration. The pictures are great and tell a joyful story.