Sunday, August 9, 2020

My Short-Attention-Span Life

Lately, I haven't had much of an attention span. Between restrictions of living in this time of pandemic, the humidity, and the fact that it's summer-- it can be hard to focus. As a result, I've been struggling, in varying degrees, in two areas of my life. One is my work. It isn't always possible to be efficient and productive during this COVID Summer. However, it helps me to be more flexible and creative about how I work. It also helps that we are still staying close to home. I have to do something, right? So I might as well work! And if less of it gets done over the summer, I think that's understandable. To a point, of course.

The area that's most impacted is my prayer life. Ideally, I want to be focused and still when I sit before the Lord. Lately, I find myself quiet externally but not internally. I may be seated, not speaking, or moving, but inside there's a lot of noise! Writing in my journal or doing art as prayer can help quiet that. Walking while I pray works, too.  

I also just pray anyway. I believe that God loves us as we are, so I lay it all at His feet. I remind myself that no one (besides me) is grading me on the quality of my prayer. Prayer is always good, keeping us in relationship with God. I often find the peace that I need during that time, because of this.

It's important for me to be accepting of where I am. Right now my attention span is seriously ADHD. In a month, I may be struggling with something different. But I value my relationship with God and plan on continuing to show up for Him. That's what really matters!

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